"Alien: Bloodlines," a comic series published by Marvel Comics in 2021, follows the harrowing tale of Gabriel Cruz, a former security officer for the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. After surviving a deadly encounter with Xenomorphs, Cruz tries to reconnect with his estranged son. However, his past catches up with him when he is called back for one final mission involving the deadly aliens. The series explores themes of survival, family, and the lingering impact of trauma, set against the backdrop of a gripping, action-packed struggle against the iconic extraterrestrial menace.
The iconic cinematic terror makes its Marvel debut! Gabriel Cruz gave his life to the Weyland-Yutani Corporation — almost literally, thanks to an alien attack he barely survived!
Credits : Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Writter) Salvador Larroca (Artist)
24 March 2021
01 April 2021
26 May 2021
16 June 2021
27 July 2021
25 August 2021