"Aliens," released in 1986 and directed by James Cameron, is the action-packed sequel to Ridley Scott's 1979 sci-fi horror film "Alien." Set 57 years after the events of the first film, it follows Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) as she returns to the planet LV-426, now a terraforming colony, with a team of colonial marines to investigate why contact has been lost. They soon discover that the colonists have been overrun by a horde of deadly Xenomorphs. Blending intense action with thrilling suspense, "Aliens" is renowned for its strong performances, particularly Weaver's, its groundbreaking special effects, and its expansion of the "Alien" universe.
Decades after surviving the Nostromo incident, Ellen Ripley is sent out to re-establish contact with a terraforming colony but finds herself battling the Alien Queen and her offspring.
Credits : Ridley Scott (Director)