Chronology of all events for the Alien, Xenomorph and Predator franchise XENOMORPH TIMELINE

Alien: Heart of Darkness


Alien: Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness is a complete Cinematic Scenario for the ALIEN roleplaying game. It is a stand-alone adventure, but also serves as a conclusion to the Draconis Strain Saga begun in the cinematic scenario Chariot of the Gods and continued in Destroyer of Worlds. The scenario is designed for 3–5 players plus the Game Mother, and is a spiraling descent into soul-crushing madness.


The company found a new lifeform, and they want you to study it. Their offer’s uncharacteristically generous—you catalog this organism, determine how they can use it, and bring it back so they can slap their patent on it.


In-Universe year : 2185 (approx)
Release date : October 2022
Release status : Released

Timeline (Chronological)